Vivify STEM Blog

Qweebi: Transforming STEM Education with a Virtual Makerspace

In the world of STEM education, hands-on learning is essential—but it’s also one of the biggest challenges for teachers. Between expensive materials, limited class time, and logistical headaches, running engaging STEM projects in the classroom can be overwhelming. Enter Qweebi, an innovative startup that’s revolutionizing how STEM is taught through a virtual makerspace. Learn how Claire used it in her classroom and how you can too!

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Exploring National Parks with a STEM Challenge!

My most vivid family memories involved both travel and education. Not in a boring fashion, but super fun, “this will stick with me for the rest of my life” kind of way. Where did my traveling education occur? National Parks! And now, as an educator, I share my love for nature with a National Park project and STEM challenge. Read below for a semester unit on national parks that includes research, planning, budgeting, natural resources, and design through an experience that I hope will spark a sense of wonder and discovery for your students!

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