Vivify STEM Blog

Basics of STEM Education Vivify STEM Basics of STEM Education Vivify STEM

STEM Club Rules

After moving from engineering to education, I had a lot to learn about teaching! I was used to speaking to a group of middle-aged male engineers, and now I had a classroom full of sixth graders arguing over a bag of Takis (popular San Antonio snacks). I had decided to start an after school Space Club, and to my surprise, I had over fifty students crammed into the classroom on day one. Now what?! 

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Vivify STEM Vivify STEM

Mobile STEM Classroom

These past few months have been a whirlwind! I moved to San Antonio and started my new work at Communities In Schools. I was excited, but nervous, to take on the challenge of creating brand new STEM programs for middle school students. Luckily I had a few years of volunteer work in Maryland developing and leading after school programs, but this is an official role with lots of eyes watching! 

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