45. The Best STEM Challenge Ever
Weather balloons, rockets, and space landers? Oh my! STEM has so many projects and products out there, it can be hard to narrow it down to not only what works, but what's fun and STILL educational for your students. From pizza-stealing aliens to homemade roller coaster projects taller than a third grader, tune in to learn about and become inspired by Natasha and Claire's favorite STEM challenges.
34. We Interviewed an Astronaut
Who doesn't dream of growing up to be an astronaut? In this episode, Natasha and Claire share their experience from interviewing an astronaut! So much can be gained from exposing your students to professionals that work in STEM fields too. Tune in to learn about the importance of connecting your students with STEM professionals and tips on how to bring speakers to your classroom.
33. My Students Built A Wheelchair
Do you know a child in need of a wheelchair? In this episode, Claire shares her experience with her 4th graders that took on building an inexpensive wheelchair for a child in need thanks to the Open Wheelchair Foundation. Tune in to hear how she was surprised by her students and what plans there are for future builds.