33. My Students Built A Wheelchair
Do you know a child in need of a wheelchair? In this episode, Claire shares her experience with her 4th graders that took on building an inexpensive wheelchair for a child in need thanks to the Open Wheelchair Foundation. Tune in to hear how she was surprised by her students and what plans there are for future builds.

32. Preparing Our Students for the Future
Do you use extended reality technology in your classroom? Have you ever heard of extended reality? I bet you have heard of virtual reality or holograms. In this episode, Claire shares what she is learning in graduate school about some advanced technology trends that you may consider using in your own teaching. Tune in to hear how to prepare your students for the future of this emerging technology.

31. Reflections from a First Year STEM Teacher
Being a first-year STEM teacher can be very overwhelming. This episode is all about Claire’s experience after her first year as a formal classroom teacher. Learn about the curriculum she used, tips and tricks to make teaching STEM more effective, and some lessons learned that will help you with your own STEM education journey! Let us know what advice you would add in the comments below.

30. Launching A High Altitude Balloon Part 2
As a follow-up from Episode 27, in this episode you will learn about Claire’s recent experience launching a high-altitude balloon with her 5th and 6th graders. This project incorporates math, science, engineering, and technology in an incredible experience that students will remember forever! Listen in to learn more!
For all the details about how you can do this with your students, join us for our session on launching a high-altitude balloon in the Champions for Science Middle School Conference. Learn more here: http://bit.ly/champ4sci2021

29. Why Do We Teach Engineering in Schools?
What is the narrative being promoted when we are teaching engineering? Are we trying to train kids to be ready for their careers or should the focus be on something else? Tune in to this episode where we discuss this subject and the importance of knowing why we teach (or perhaps even “if we should teach”) engineering in grade school.

28. Elementary STEM Con & Beyond
The best virtual conference for STEM educators is just around the corner and we are sharing all the details to let you know why you don’t want to miss it. The conference is April 16-19, 2021 and the best part is, you don’t have to be available to watch anything on those days because your registration gives you access to ALL the content for an entire year! Here are a few of the details but you can find out all the information on the conference website here: