138. Prepare for the Solar Eclipse
Listen in as Natasha and Claire provide essential tips for educators on preparing your students for the upcoming solar eclipse and organizing a memorable watch party.
137. Is Teaching Engineering Bad?
Dive into the frustrations college professors express about the way engineering is taught in K-12 education that are leaving students ill-prepared for higher education.
136. Cool Lessons on Heat Transfer
Unravel the secrets of heat transfer and explore the science behind why your tumbler keeps your drink cold.
135. What Should Students Learn?
Natasha and Claire delve into the subject of whether students should focus on acquiring specific knowledge or developing strong critical thinking skills built on discovering relationships.
134. Are You Gifted?
Who is gifted and why does it matter? In this episode, Natasha and Claire reflect on their experiences of being rejected from an elementary gifted and talented program.
133. Conferences You Should Attend in 2024
Are you in need of some CPE credit hours or just wanting to attend some great learning opportunities for educators? In this episode, Natasha and Claire share a list of their favorite conferences happening in 2024 and they want you to join them!