Vivify STEM Blog
Engineer a New Fruit! Genetics STEM Lab Activity
Are you ready to take your students on a fun and hands-on journey into the realm of genetics? Blend engineering principles with the tantalizing world of culinary delights with this delicious STEM lab! Read on to explore how food can become the ultimate medium for engaging K-12 students in thought-provoking lessons about genetics and food engineering concepts.
5 Tips for Teaching STEM With Robots
Programming Sphero robots can help students develop essential skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, and teamwork. From building simple obstacle courses to working through real-life cybersecurity challenges, students will be fascinated by what they can get robots to do, no matter what grade they are in. Read on for 5 tips for teaching STEM with Sphero robots!
Engineering and the 5E Science Model
Are you looking to add engineering to your science classroom? Most educators use the 5E learning model to teach science concepts. Can engineering design fit into 5E science units? Yes! Read on as we break down the steps of the 5E Science Learning Model, adding Engineering in 5E Science Model, and examples of an Engineering 5E Unit.
How to Teach STEM Through A Story
Do you begin your lessons with a story? Stories are a powerful tool that will increase engagement in STEM activities. Read below for strategies including a video on developing stories that provide motivation and tie in real-world STEM events and career connections. We also link a freebie blueprint to develop your own STEM storyline!
The ABCs of Kindergarten STEM
In this post, we discuss how to engage the youngest learners in meaningful STEM through our brand-new Alphabet STEM curriculum for Kindergarten! Alphabet STEM was a collaborative effort from the Vivify STEM team. Read on for our favorite letters, advice on teaching kinder STEM, and grab the free kinder STEM lesson!
Engineering in the Science Classroom
Help! I am a science teacher, and I am trying to figure out how to integrate engineering in my classroom! Which engineering challenges best support science learning? What about engineering practices? Why should I even integrate engineering into science instruction?
Using the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) as a guide, we break down the best ways to add engineering design to enhance science in your elementary and middle school classroom. It’s a big topic to tackle, but we try to provide simple strategies, recommended lessons, and more resources to get you started.
Rate Your STEM Lesson: What Stage is Your STEM Challenge?
What is the focus in your STEM classroom? Do you love teambuilding activities? Or perhaps you spend most of the year on engineering design? Take our quiz to find out what stage of STEM your lessons are! Then read below for more on the 3 Stages of STEM, example activities, and a free STEM lesson checklist to help plan your lesson!
Do you see what I see? Pinhole Camera STEM Challenge
Are you looking to add more science to your engineering design challenges? Watch the video below for some cool demos to share with your students followed by an engineering design challenge on how to construct a pinhole camera that demonstrates "camera obscure.” We also have a complete lesson plan connecting the challenge to the innovation of the light bulb in England!
Go on a Mission to Mars!
I am a science teacher for grades 5- 8, and last fall, my students went on an epic adventure as we tested out Space Club’s Mission to Mars curriculum! Read below for our experience and two space-themed engineering design challenges you can try in your classroom!
Understanding a Framework for P-12 Engineering Learning
Are you struggling to define a scope and sequence for your STEM or engineering classroom? Read on to learn about the current landscape of engineering education and take a closer look at the recently released Framework for P-12 Engineering Learning to help plan your engineering curriculum!
Mission to the Moon: Virtual STEM Program
Are you looking for a low-prep STEM curriculum that supports distance learning, engages students, and involves engineering design and careers?
With a live leaderboard, weekly raffle prizes, and career chats with NASA engineers, Vivify presents Mission to Moon, a hands-on STEM program delivered virtually for classroom or at-home learning. Your students will design robot hands, rovers, roller coasters, and more while learning about real-world STEM, meeting real STEM professionals, and connecting with schools across the world!
Bring Space Club to Your School!
From space suit design to growing plants in space, Space Club is an interactive virtual program with weekly engineering design challenges, sessions with NASA engineers, and students from across the country! Students will upload videos of completed designs for the chance to win epic prizes like telescopes and robots! Learn how to bring it to your middle school this fall!