Vivify STEM Blog

Mission to the Moon: Virtual STEM Program

Are you looking for a low-prep STEM curriculum that supports distance learning, engages students, and involves engineering design and careers?

With a live leaderboard, weekly raffle prizes, and career chats with NASA engineers, Vivify presents Mission to Moon, a hands-on STEM program delivered virtually for classroom or at-home learning. Your students will design robot hands, rovers, roller coasters, and more while learning about real-world STEM, meeting real STEM professionals, and connecting with schools across the world!

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Bring Space Club to Your School!

From space suit design to growing plants in space, Space Club is an interactive virtual program with weekly engineering design challenges, sessions with NASA engineers, and students from across the country! Students will upload videos of completed designs for the chance to win epic prizes like telescopes and robots! Learn how to bring it to your middle school this fall!

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Lunar STEM Activities for the 50th Anniversary of the Apollo Moon Landing

Moon STEM activities, books, videos and more are in store in this post! Whether you remember the Apollo 11 mission or have only seen past pictures, the feat remains awe-inspiring. This can be especially true for kids who desire to dream big. Join us in celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing as we engage kids with history and strengthen their STEM skills for the future. Read on for our list of related STEM activities and resources for your home, classroom, or program.

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10 Amazing STEM Family Night Activities

Planning a STEM or STEAM Family Night? Read on for 10 amazing activities that will engage the whole family! From painting with robots to creating a paper circuit, these activities will take your STEM Family Night to the next level!

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Top 10 STEM Space Activities

Ready to launch your students into some space STEM activities? Read on to explore our top space-themed STEM activities. These activities are categorized into our 3 stages of STEM to fit different learning levels. 

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The Best STEM Challenge Ever

Join us as we give you all the details about our popular Space Lander STEM Challenge and link up with some other great STEM educators sharing the BEST STEM CHALLENGE EVER!

Teachers love the Space Lander STEM challenge because the students are completely engaged. Students not only learn, but deeply understand the engineering design process, key science concept, and math standards all while improving their soft skills involved in teamwork.

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Teaching Space Inspires Youth

Every child has looked up at the twinkling stars on a clear night and wondered about the vastness above. The night sky captures a child's imagination and leads to profound thoughts and questions about our place in the world. The need to explore and discover is a common thread among humans, and the greatest unknowns lay in the night sky above us. Giving students a window into the beauty of space and teaching the journey of humankind's exploration of other worlds is a powerful tool to inspire and engage an interest in science and engineering. 

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Vivify STEM Products Vivify STEM Vivify STEM Products Vivify STEM

Back To School Sale

It is Back to School Sale time on!  August 3-4 only, save up to 28% off site-wide! For a treasure trove of products to boost your students’ knowledge of all things S.T.E.M., head over to our store and check out all that we have to offer.

I’ll give you a brief tour of five of our best sellers that you and your students will love:

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Space Lander Mission

Last year, I started a new Space Club program at four middle schools. Not wanting to reinvent the wheel, I searched the web for ideas and curriculum to implement. I soon became excited to find great resources like NASA and TeachEngineering, but I was also overwhelmed as a simple Google search for "Space STEM activities" gives you a mere 89 million hits. Wading through a lot of junk eventually brought some gems that I could implement, and I leave it to another post to rant about the lack of quality in many activities that claim to be "STEM." 

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