Vivify STEM Blog
Astronaut Training and the 4 C's of STEM
Embark on a space adventure with your class! Challenge your students to complete astronaut training to collect all four badges: creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking! Read more on how to build foundational STEM skills through engaging and hands-on Stage 1 STEM activities through the theme of space exploration.
Mission to the Moon: Virtual STEM Program
Are you looking for a low-prep STEM curriculum that supports distance learning, engages students, and involves engineering design and careers?
With a live leaderboard, weekly raffle prizes, and career chats with NASA engineers, Vivify presents Mission to Moon, a hands-on STEM program delivered virtually for classroom or at-home learning. Your students will design robot hands, rovers, roller coasters, and more while learning about real-world STEM, meeting real STEM professionals, and connecting with schools across the world!
Bring Space Club to Your School!
From space suit design to growing plants in space, Space Club is an interactive virtual program with weekly engineering design challenges, sessions with NASA engineers, and students from across the country! Students will upload videos of completed designs for the chance to win epic prizes like telescopes and robots! Learn how to bring it to your middle school this fall!
Mission to Mars: STEM Curriculum for Elementary and Middle School
If you follow us, you know Vivify is a team of aerospace engineers with a passion for STEM education. Over the years of teaching STEM, we found that kids love stories. And what greater story than a thrilling adventure in space? The result is Launchpad, a 10 unit curriculum that launches students into the world of STEM!
7 STEM Activities in the Sun {Perfect for End of Year & Summer!}
Need ideas for outdoor STEM challenges for the end of the year or summer time? My students always get restless as the weather warms up, so we take STEM outdoors! What’s a better way to enjoy the weather and to learn science and engineering than to do STEM with the sun? From a UV light shelter to a s’mores solar challenge, read on for awesome STEM outdoor activities using the sun!
How to Launch a Weather Balloon: Ultimate STEM Challenge
Take your students on an unforgettable journey to the stratosphere! What can be more exciting than launching a balloon to the edge of space and seeing footage of the Earth from above? A weather balloon project (also known as High Altitude Balloon or HAB) involves designing a payload and using a helium balloon to send an experiment up to 100,000 feet into the stratosphere!
Based on three years of successful weather balloon experience with over 300 middle school students, we created a full guide that helps students design a payload, select an experiment, launch, and recover the balloon from a 100,000-foot journey to the edge of space!
6 STEM Resource Finds and Takeaways from the NSTA Conference
Instead of spending my spring break lounging on the beach drinking mimosas, I decided to head to Atlanta, Georgia for the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) National Conference! I mingled with thousands of other educators across the country all passionate about teaching science. As a first-time attendee, here are my takeaways from NSTA including a list of my top 6 STEM resource finds!
Top 10 STEM Space Activities
Ready to launch your students into some space STEM activities? Read on to explore our top space-themed STEM activities. These activities are categorized into our 3 stages of STEM to fit different learning levels.
Solar Eclipse Party and Activities
We have put together some activity suggestions, tips, resources, and an event planning guide to make the most of a Solar Eclipse happening near you! We also have a FREE solar eclipse paper circuit lesson in our STEM Explorer Lesson Library!
The Best STEM Challenge Ever
Join us as we give you all the details about our popular Space Lander STEM Challenge and link up with some other great STEM educators sharing the BEST STEM CHALLENGE EVER!
Teachers love the Space Lander STEM challenge because the students are completely engaged. Students not only learn, but deeply understand the engineering design process, key science concept, and math standards all while improving their soft skills involved in teamwork.
Teaching Space Inspires Youth
Every child has looked up at the twinkling stars on a clear night and wondered about the vastness above. The night sky captures a child's imagination and leads to profound thoughts and questions about our place in the world. The need to explore and discover is a common thread among humans, and the greatest unknowns lay in the night sky above us. Giving students a window into the beauty of space and teaching the journey of humankind's exploration of other worlds is a powerful tool to inspire and engage an interest in science and engineering.
Weather Balloon Launch: Recovery Drama
After a successful launch, the balloon team was on fire! We had just successfully launched a balloon into the stratosphere, and everyone was jumping from excitement. But very quickly our enthusiasm turned to dread as we had yet to receive a GPS signal. We went from the high of releasing the balloon to a state of depression as we anxiously refreshed the webpage, hoping the GPS would come through. Without a signal, all hope was lost for recovering the balloon.