Hologram Structure STEM Challenge: Design the future!
Students will learn about hologram technology and use the engineering design process to create a futuristic building that incorporates a hologram presentation.
Grades: 5th - 9th
Teaching Duration: 90 minutes
Students will learn about hologram technology and use the engineering design process to create a futuristic building that incorporates a hologram presentation.
Grades: 5th - 9th
Teaching Duration: 90 minutes
Students will learn about hologram technology and use the engineering design process to create a futuristic building that incorporates a hologram presentation.
Grades: 5th - 9th
Teaching Duration: 90 minutes
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lesson overview
Hologram STEM Challenge: Design the Future!
Students will learn about hologram technology and use the engineering design process to create a futuristic building that incorporates a hologram presentation.
Your mission: You have time-traveled to the future where holograms are commonplace. A business has hired your engineering firm to design a building that uses a holographic first floor to attract potential customers/patrons. Use your engineering skills to create a scale model of the structure that sits on top of your hologram display. Then create a recording to encourage people to come inside! Student handouts are provided in printed and digital format (editable Google Slides).
Science & Technology Connection: Students learn about a hologram and the current and future uses of holograms.
Engineering Challenge: Students will design a scale model of a structure and develop a hologram display. A full teacher guide includes photos of student projects, video resources, and handouts to guide your students through the engineering design process to solve the challenge.
Recommended Supplies: hard plastic, tape, ruler, tablet/phone, black sheet, flashlight, video recording device (like a phone), paper, scissors, and art supplies.
STEM Real-World Connections: Background pages cover the STEM career of anoptical engineer. A handout is also provided about holograms and Dr. Dennis Gabor, the inventor of the holography.
As with many STEM activities that are student-driven, this challenge can be tailored to students of various skill levels and abilities.
Included in this product:
Detailed teachers guide with links to resources
Grading rubric for the engineering design process
STEM Career Connections
STEM Real-world Connection
Real-world STEM history and science handouts
Student handouts to guide them through the engineering design process
Editable Google Slides for a STEM Journal
Materials for Hologram Display:
Transparent hard plastic like the top of a disposable foil pan.
Hot glue or clear tape
A smart device that can lie flat like a tablet or phone.
Materials for Presentation:
Black shirt or cape to cover your neck down
Black sheet or background
Flashlight, ring light, or softbox light
Video recording device (iPhone, webcam, etc.)
Materials for Structures:
(Recommended, not required)
Card stock
Paperclips (to add weight to balance structure)
Index Cards
Pipe Cleaners
Plastic Straws
Cotton Balls
Craft sticks
Looking for more STEM lessons? Find the Vivify resource guide here: bit.ly/VivifyResourceGuide