Upstairs Downstairs Brain Paper Circuit SEL STEM Activity


Are you looking for a way to discuss regulating emotions while doing a fun STEM activity? Your students can learn the basics of circuits as well as the basics of the upstairs and downstairs brain functions with calming strategies! ⁣

Grades: 1st - 10th; Homeschool

Teaching Duration: 90 minutes

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Are you looking for a way to discuss regulating emotions while doing a fun STEM activity? Your students can learn the basics of circuits as well as the basics of the upstairs and downstairs brain functions with calming strategies! ⁣

Grades: 1st - 10th; Homeschool

Teaching Duration: 90 minutes

Are you looking for a way to discuss regulating emotions while doing a fun STEM activity? Your students can learn the basics of circuits as well as the basics of the upstairs and downstairs brain functions with calming strategies! ⁣

Grades: 1st - 10th; Homeschool

Teaching Duration: 90 minutes

My students were able to create visuals that were informative and explain the harmful effects of tobacco. It initiated their higher order thinking skills and teamwork.
— Kristin M.

lesson overview

Are you looking for a way to discuss regulating emotions while doing a fun STEM activity? Your students can learn the basics of circuits as well as the basics of the upstairs and downstairs brain functions with calming strategies! ⁣

Dr. Dan Siegel and Dr. Tina Payne Bryson present a concept in their book "The Whole-Brain Child" that helps us understand the brain in a simple way called the upstairs and downstairs brain. Students will learn about the different parts of their brain based on this concept and then create either a popup card (younger students) to visualize what they learn or to use the engineering design process to design and build a paper circuit house (older students) that has lights to light up which "floor" of their brain is active. Students will also learn calming strategies to prevent their emotions from getting too big! This is a critical lesson for students to be equipped during STEM challenges that often end in failure or conflict within teams.

⁣⁣Included in this product:

  • Teachers guide

  • Pop-up card and paper circuit templates

  • Editable student handouts guiding them through the engineering design process

  • Background handouts on the Upstairs and Downstairs Brain, circuits, and electrical engineering STEM career connection

Recommended Materials:

  • Copper tape

  • LED lights

  • 3V coin cell batteries

  • Scissors

  • Card stock

  • Clear tape

  • Markers

  • Emoji face stickers (optional)

Looking for more STEM lessons? Find the Vivify resource guide here:

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