Vivify STEM Blog
Rate Your STEM Lesson: What Stage is Your STEM Challenge?
What is the focus in your STEM classroom? Do you love teambuilding activities? Or perhaps you spend most of the year on engineering design? Take our quiz to find out what stage of STEM your lessons are! Then read below for more on the 3 Stages of STEM, example activities, and a free STEM lesson checklist to help plan your lesson!
Sub Plans for a STEM Classroom
Are you in need of sub plans for your STEM classroom? Whether it's planned ahead, the morning of, or a 2 week COVID quarantine, I try to always have low-prep STEM lesson plans ready if needed. But sometimes preparing for a sub can feel like more work than actually being there! So I got together with the Vivify team to brainstorm ideas and put together strategies and recommendations for how to run a successful STEM classroom with a substitute teacher!
Critical Issues in Engineering Education
Did you know that most state science standards now include engineering? But does engineering actually support science learning? Are teachers prepared to teach engineering effectively? This isn’t our typical STEM activity blog post, but I am excited to share some of what I am learning in graduate school!
10 Tips for Managing a STEM Classroom
STEM is an inventive, creative, thought-provoking process. But it also involves a lot of supplies, choice of partners (who we may or may not enjoy working with), and open-ended projects that lead to a sometimes chaotic environment! How do we manage all of this as a teacher trying to foster a creative STEM process yet maintain learning objectives and behavioral order in our classrooms? Here are our top 10 tips for classroom management for a STEM learning environment!
Get Your STEM Classroom Ready for Back to School!
August is here, and that means back to school season! But don’t stress, we have you covered with our favorite STEM icebreakers, activities to introduce STEM to your students, and even classroom posters and freebies!
Understanding a Framework for P-12 Engineering Learning
Are you struggling to define a scope and sequence for your STEM or engineering classroom? Read on to learn about the current landscape of engineering education and take a closer look at the recently released Framework for P-12 Engineering Learning to help plan your engineering curriculum!
How to Teach Growth Mindset and Failing Forward
Students need to experience failure in our classrooms. They may not think so, but learning from those failures is what helps them grow. Read on for ways to empower your students to learn from their failures, aka. fail forward, with a good dose of growth mindset!
7 Ideas for Teaching Social Studies with STEM
STEM by definition is a collaborative way of bringing subjects together to introduce students to higher-order thinking. So it shouldn’t be isolated to the science or specials classes. Bring STEM into your social studies lessons with the ideas and tips below.
How to use Digital & Printed STEM Journals
Elevate any STEM challenge by using a journal to capture student thinking during the engineering design process! Read below for how to use a digital or printed STEM journal including strategies for distance learning.
Scientific Method vs. Engineering Design Process: Which is used in STEM learning?
Are you a STEM teacher? Confused on what process to use in your classroom? Or perhaps you need a refresher on the scientific method versus the engineering design process. Read on for an overview of each, how they are used in the real world and our view of which process is best for STEM education.
10 Must Have STEM Tools
Are you a new STEM teacher? Looking for a STEM activity in music or art? Are you introducing 3D printing? Our list of 10 must have STEM tools covers everything from robotics to unplugged learning, free resources, and some brand new products that just hit the market! We hope you enjoy this list of back to school STEM tools!
10 Easy STEM Career Classroom Activities
Do you talk about STEM careers in your classroom? Perhaps you don’t have a STEM background and feel intimidated. Or maybe you know about certain careers, but you are looking to expand your knowledge of the diverse field. We can help! Read on for strategies to bring STEM careers to life in your classroom! Through activities that connect STEM to student interests, we will show you how to easily engage kids with the exciting possibilities of real-world STEM.