Pneumatic Device Mars STEM Challenge (Engineering Design)


Design a pneumatic device that can pick up a soil sample on Mars! This is a great space-themed STEM engineering design challenge.

Grades: 5th - 8th

Teaching Duration: 2 weeks

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Design a pneumatic device that can pick up a soil sample on Mars! This is a great space-themed STEM engineering design challenge.

Grades: 5th - 8th

Teaching Duration: 2 weeks

Design a pneumatic device that can pick up a soil sample on Mars! This is a great space-themed STEM engineering design challenge.

Grades: 5th - 8th

Teaching Duration: 2 weeks

Great for a multi grade level summer camp!
— Jaclyn D.

lesson overview

Design a pneumatic device that can pick up a soil sample on Mars! This is a great space-themed STEM engineering design challenge.

Activity Overview: Our rover has landed on Mars and will be drilling to dislodge soil samples. NASA has tasked your engineering company to design a way to lift up soil samples for collection. Your device will work using air pressure, also known as pneumatics. A pneumatic device is lightweight and ideal for devices on a faraway planet. 

Students will first learn about pneumatic systems, make a simple pneumatic system and then create a pneumatic device that can pick up a soil sample on Mars.  

Real-world STEM Connection:

  • Overview of NASA's Mission to Mars

  • How Pneumatic Devices Work

  • Examples of Pneumatic Devices in the Real World

  • Career Connection: NASA engineers and scientists working at JPL

As with many STEM activities, this challenge can be tailored to students of various skill levels and abilities.

Included in this product:

  • Detailed teachers guide with links to resources

  • Photos and videos of student examples

  • Student handouts to guide them through the design process

  • Videos to motivate and support learning

  • Editable Google Slides STEM journal for distance learning

  • STEM Career Connections and real-world examples

  • Science handouts

  • Student recording sheet for each step of the process

Suggested Materials: Many different materials can be used for this challenge. Here are some suggestions that worked well for our students.

  • Syringe and tubing (Amazon)

  • popsicle sticks (large &/or small)

  • pipe cleaners

  • cardboard

  • card stock

  • construction paper

  • cardboard tubes

  • rubber bands

  • straws

  • paper cups

  • paper clips

  • string

  • masking tape

  • scissors

  • ruler


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